Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a form of therapy that is frequently used clinically and has a strong evidence base in terms of its efficacy. The underlying premise of CBT is that understanding and changing our thoughts, behaviour and body sensations can improve how we feel. Therefore, CBT focuses on THOUGHTS, BEHAVIOURS and BODILY SENSATIONS, which are linked together



Life is hard. Its often beautiful and exciting and fulfilling but it is also painful, lonely, devastating and incredibly difficult. To be human is to suffer. We are not all born equal. We all start off with different temperaments and genes which can make certain aspects of life easier (fast long legs for running) and


Children & Families

Emotional Difficulties in Young Children Childhood is synonymous with innocence and carefree enjoyment. However, sadly, 1 in 10 children/ young people are affected by emotional/ mental health difficulties. These can, understandably, lead to great distress for children and their families and impact upon family relationships, school performance and peer relationships. Unfortunately, whilst many difficulties experienced